5 Houseplants to Warm Up Your New England Winter

There is no denying it, New Englanders are smack dab in the middle of that very cold, very grey time of the year when we are all desperate for some sweet sunshine. The grass is brown and crunchy, the trees are bare and it still a bit too early to start working on your summer garden plans. It is right about now when I most fully appreciate the living, green things around me, in my own home. Some people claim to not be able to keep a houseplant alive but whether you have a “green thumb” or not there is most certainly a plant out there for you.  House plants have so many benefits.  Of course they add a wonderful aesthetic to just about any space but many of them also do wonderful things like help keep our air clean. Some, like Rosemary and Lavender are edible as well as fragrant. Below is a list of 5 of the best houseplants to help you on your journey to creating a more peaceful, beautiful and healthy home.

  1. Philodendron

Philodendron’s are very easy care plants. They don’t need much light and are not picky about watering or fertilizing. These beauties are very hard to kill and will also filter unwanted toxins from your air.  There are several different varieties.  One of the most popular is the heart shaped Philodendron which is a trailing or climbing plant.  If you hang it in a basket it will eventually reach the floor.  If you give it something to climb; a trellis or a wall, it will create a beautiful piece of living art!

2. Fiddle Leaf Fig

Fiddle Leaf Figs have been very trendy for several years due to their large unique leaves and the interesting statement they can add to your space. They can be a bit finicky in terms of light (too much and they will crisp up and die, not enough and they will wilt and become stunted.) A large, established Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree can also be pricey so don’t invest unless you have the right spot in your space and feel confident in your plant care abilities.

3. Fern

Ferns have been a popular houseplant since the Victorian Era, and for good reason. They are elegant, graceful and lush. There are many different varieties but the most recognizable is probably the Boston Fern. They look majestic hanging from a porch or perched on a stool. Ferns prefer warm temperatures and bright, indirect light as well as moisture in the air. Misting your fern with a spray bottle is a good idea, hanging one in your steamy bathroom is even better!

4. Succulent

Succulents are another super easy plant variety to care for. There are many to choose from; Jade, Cactus and Aloe to name a few. They don’t need much water at all and should be potted in a container with good drainage. Most of them enjoy direct sun but should be rotated frequently so they don’t lean over towards the light. The almighty Aloe in particular is beautiful and highly practical. It is a well known fact that Aloe directly from the source (cut one of the leaves and squeeze out the gel) is one of the best natural treatments for burns. It accelerates wound healing and has antioxidant and antibacterial properties. It is a smart idea to keep an aloe plant in your home to treat small wounds and burns.

5. Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is another popular house plant that does double duty filtering toxins out of the air. They are seen as a symbol of peace and hope and are often given as gifts. Peace Lilies are very easy to care for as they will grow happily in medium to low light and also prefer underwatering. You may even wait until your Peace Lily is looking droopy before giving it a drink. They have the unique characteristic of growing white flower like stalks… flowers all year, what could be better?

Some general plant care tips; a pot with at least one drainage hole is always the way to go as it will ensure that the roots of your plant do not get soggy and moldy. You can set the pot in a large plastic or ceramic dish to catch run off water and protect the surface underneath.  For most indoor plants underwatering is better than overwatering. A good rule of thumb is to check once a week by touching the soil; if it feels dry, water your plant. Don’t be afraid to experiment! If you bring home a new plant and it doesn’t seem to be doing well in a certain location, try putting it elsewhere. There is no room in the house that doesn’t benefit from the addition of living plants; kitchens, bathrooms, bedrooms, etc.

Hoping to pick out some new house plants and support a local business? Jordan’s Jungle in Pawtucket is a great place to spend an afternoon!

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Contact Lisa Pagano at lisa.pagano@mottandchace.com or 401.447.9505