Stretch, Strengthen & Sweat at Home


Getting to the gym is never the easiest thing to do, but this past year it has been harder than ever. Between concerns about cleanliness and ventilation and hesitation about huffing and puffing with a mask on, many of us have been forgoing it altogether. Now is not the time to let your health and fitness slide though! It is more important than ever, both for your physical and mental well being, to get your body moving. What options do we have? Getting fresh air outside on a run, jog, or walk is a great option anytime of year.  Of course in the dead of winter you will need to bundle up and it may still be dark outside when you’re ready to go before or after work. Solution: turn a corner (or room) of your home into your own personal fitness spot!  It may feel daunting but this can be as simple as a quiet corner with a yoga mat, exercise ball and some weights.  If you have the space and resources, there are endless options of cardio and weight equipment you can outfit your fitness room with.  Below are some local home gyms to get you inspired.

As the rooms above all show, having at least one large mirror is a great idea. A mirror is both functional (providing helpful feedback and motivation while working out) as well as aesthetic (brightening and enlarging your space).

The home above in Narragansett has it all! Space for a Gym as well as an indoor Basketball Court…it doesn’t get much better than that! You may not have the room for your own BBall court but one important thing to take away from these spaces is their great natural light. If you have the room near a window or two to set up your workout area, it will be that much more pleasant and you will be motivated to use it more often.

While we’re dreaming who wouldn’t love their own personal sauna to relax and unwind in after a solid workout? Home gym goals! This one is at 455 Stonington Rd, Stonington CT.

What about after you have your space ready to go but you’re looking for some direction? A few free and fun sites to check out:

Fitness Blender is run by husband and wife team Kelli and Daniel, with tons of varied workouts for all abilities, including Strength, HIIT, Cardio, Yoga, Pilates and more!

Sweaty Betty

Yoga with Adrienne

However it works for you, the important thing is to get moving and do something that makes your body, mind, and soul feel good!

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To view these and other homes please contact Lisa Pagano at or 401.447.9505